What I learned from this flare (BLOG #19)

I had a choice with this most recent flare–freak out, get depressed, hide, feel helpless and hopeless. And, in truth, I did have some moments of all of these less than stellar emotions.

BUT, there was this part of me that kept saying “use this flare for some experimentation”. Continue reading “What I learned from this flare (BLOG #19)”

I want perfection; Charlie, not so much. (BLOG #18)

I called Charlie, in Kansas. We hadn’t spoken for quite some time and I needed a Charlie fix. See, Charlie and I are quite different animals when it  comes to psoriasis (and a number of other things:) Continue reading “I want perfection; Charlie, not so much. (BLOG #18)”

3 ESSENTIAL TIPS when using our Protocol (BLOG #16)

I get quite a few letters from psoriasis sufferers who are starting the Protocol.  Some are desperate. Some are worried. Some are afraid. They want advice.

This got me thinking about three very important parts of the protocol that don’t involve the actual 4 parts.

They are: Continue reading “3 ESSENTIAL TIPS when using our Protocol (BLOG #16)”

A Hard Lesson Learned (BLOG #14)

After almost five years psoriasis free (minus that flare a couple of years ago that taught me that anything “fortified with calcium” was a bad as dairy) I got a little wake-up call.

I have to be honest, I was experimenting [CHEATING]( with a little dairy now and then, forgetting to take the supplements once in a while, and running out of the Life Extension Super K and using a substitute.

The result=a few too many new spots of guttate psoriasis. It was nothing like I used to have but it was enough to get me worrying.

I upped my vitamin D3 from 10,000 iu daily to 20,000 iu daily. Nope, it didn’t help. My skin got more spots. I really Continue reading “A Hard Lesson Learned (BLOG #14)”

Back after a “time out”! (BLOG #13)

I needed some time away from social media. The book (now entitled “Make Your Bed”) is finished and the next step is to find a great literary agent (who likes quirky spiritual stuff:) This is a whole different kind of writing–putting together a package with synopsis, bio, marketing, etc.

And while I was letting myself get stressed about all manner of things, I also got sloppy with the protocol Continue reading “Back after a “time out”! (BLOG #13)”

Gratitude Heals the Mind (BLOG #9)

Remember last week’s photo? Dated August 21, 2014? My skin was covered with masses of bright red spots and plaques? Diagnosis=severe psoriasis.

This drawing was made 3 weeks plus 2 days later–using the high dosage D3 and k2mk7. Massive improvement. I had no idea how much my life was about to change…. Continue reading “Gratitude Heals the Mind (BLOG #9)”

Forgiveness Heals the Body (BLOG #7)

I don’t know about you, but I love to read or hear stories about so-called miraculous healing. Most of these healings are dismissed by doctors as spontaneous remissions or wrong diagnoses. But it’s pretty hard to argue with stage 4 cancer that vanishes overnight. Continue reading “Forgiveness Heals the Body (BLOG #7)”

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