I needed some time away from social media. The book (now entitled “Make Your Bed”) is finished and the next step is to find a great literary agent (who likes quirky spiritual stuff:) This is a whole different kind of writing–putting together a package with synopsis, bio, marketing, etc.
And while I was letting myself get stressed about all manner of things, I also got sloppy with the protocol

–missing taking the supplements some days–cheating with a little dairy here and there. Doing all the things I tell our members NOT to do.
There is a price for doing this. Nothing like it used to be but definitely spots on my body. I just ignored them for a while. To my peril. Now I’m back to high dosage D3, increased k2mk7, absolutely no dairy or foods fortified with calcium. Checking all those number on the sides of boxes. How much calcium?
The good news is that I finally found a coconut based yogurt by a company from Quebec (Canada), called Maison Riviera. It is the closest to the real thing that I’ve found so far. Excellent texture. A little bit of sharpness like ordinary yogurt. Good flavours (3)(mango-passionfruit, raspberry-black current and lemon). Sold at Costco in Vancouver. Not sure about other stores. Maybe Whole Foods (they carry the original Riviera cow and goat milk based yogurt).
Now if some company could come up with a really good non-dairy cheese I would feel as though I’d died and gone to heaven.
Anyway, today’s blog is going to be short and sweet. I’ll keep you posted on my skin’s progress. The next time I write I’ll get back to doing the audio of the book.
Much love,
Dakota (of the Red Spotted Tribe) and her little dog, Lucky
Hey Dakota.
this is just a test. I have been having problems with my notebook.
I got it.
Hi again!
Just saw, in a response to a question, that it is suggested we drink 2.5 liters of water a day.
I would still really appreciate your onput on my other question. Thank you, again, for your time and your willingness to help!!
I’ll wait for your question. Dakota
Hello again,
Not sure if this is the correct place to pose questions about the protocol, but here goes. I started a week ago and yesterday started to feel a terrible ache in my hips. Thought it might be related to water consumption, as it had been down to only a liter a day, the last two days. Have you heard of this before? How much water should I be drinking with the protocol? Thank you for your time! Have a wonderful day!
hi Mary: I have never been able to gag back 2.5 litres of water daily but do try to drink lots of water during high dosage D3. I’ve never had feedback about pain in hips. Might not be related. Cheers, Dakota
Hello Dakota!
I’m so happy to read your blog and feel truly blessed to have found you and Charlie. I was recently diagnosed and started your protocol a week ago. I’ll keep you posted!
looking forward to hearing from you! dakota