
PsA and Curcumin… Liz

Turmeric is a powerful anti-inflammatory.
 But to get serious benefit for psoriatic arthritis from turmeric, you have to take lots and lots of it, because most of it will go in and out (and you’ll know it – lovely golden yellow will come out of everywhere, I think it even came out of my pores, saliva and nose).

Curcumin (the isolated active ingredient in turmeric) is of course, way stronger, but still, much of it goes in and out. Curcumin with piperine may be more absorbable, but Continue reading “PsA and Curcumin… Liz”


Here’s something that may not be fully understood. It seems that following the protocol to the “T” is important at first (like the first six months or so…give or take). But later, after significant changes have occurred in the healing process and you start being in control of your psoriasis (instead of the other way round) you will be able to be less diligent.

See, there’s something about this protocol that appears to put the body chemistry back into balance–at least Continue reading “NOTHING IS FOREVER!”

Sacrificing Dairy

My friend, Julie, was visiting on Monday of the long weekend and she told me that the word “sacrifice” comes from the word “sacred”. So I got on Google and looked it up. One of the older definitions said that it was giving something up for the gain of something else of value (such as self respect, freedom, etc.)  

That got me thinking about dairy (well, actually a letter from one of our members did). She was having difficulty letting go. I can certainly relate to that. But when I think of all the good things that have happened in the past two years since doing the protocol and mostly staying away from dairy, it sure has been worth the sacrifice. Continue reading “Sacrificing Dairy”

A Few Thoughts From Charlie

A Few Words from Charlie

Well I thought I would chime in and say that I am very happy that the Protocol (the one Dak and myself have come to be so dependent on) works. Now in saying that I also feel a bit guilty that I have not participated as much as I probably should have– to help Dak answer questions about this treatment, (remember Treatment, not a cure) because if you stop using it for too long Continue reading “A Few Thoughts From Charlie”



For those of you either thinking of OR having used the Magnesium on your head–DON’T!!! And also try to avoid putting it directly on your Active Psoriasis.

Please observe the same rules you would if you were going to take a dip in the Dead Sea.

No Splashing, never submerge your head, and avoid Continue reading “Magnesium”


P1020154I’ve often wondered what it must feel like to be released from prison after decades of incarceration. What happens after the first flush of joy? Of freedom? What unexpected pluses or minuses are there?

Because that’s been my experience over the past, well, close to two years psoriasis free (after 47 years of having a combination of plaque and guttate psoriasis). I don’t know why I was set free from this disease. I didn’t expect to be.

I thought I’d have it until the day I died. I’d long ago given up hope.

And in the back of my mind, there was always that niggling fear that the psoriasis would return with the vengeance it had shown in my late twenties when I was hospitalized. Then it did.

So, what does it feel like?

When the plaques first started to vanish Continue reading “RELEASED FROM PRISON after 47 years”

2016 The Year of Freedom From Psoriasis

Well, 2016 has arrived and it looks like it’s going to be a good year!

Spent New Year’s Eve Skyping Charlie and drinking way too much whiskey. This made for an interesting dog walk later as I careened sloppily down the sidewalk with Lucky. She didn’t appear to notice Continue reading “2016 The Year of Freedom From Psoriasis”

Pirates, Psoriasis and Magnesium Chloride (not for the feint of heart:)

Here’s a bit of brutal history. Back in the days of pirates (not the modern-day kind found on Wall Street) there was a nasty form of punishment which involved lashes with the cat of nine tails–a whip made from rope with nine ends that caused multiple lacerations. To top up the pain, a bucket of sea water was thrown on the open wounds of the poor devil who was getting lashed.

How the heck does this apply to psoriasis? Or to our protocol? Well, this is it in a nutshell. If you have psoriasis, you Continue reading “Pirates, Psoriasis and Magnesium Chloride (not for the feint of heart:)”


I write this to let others know that my Kitty (Kittis Spuss) as I call her from birth. Has decided to leave us, she has not yet passed, and is home again (Thankfully) laying in her favorite place, The Tractor seat. She has not eaten in 6-days now and is very weak, the Vet said to prepare to make plans. She will pass tomorrow either way, I can not let her suffer. Continue reading “Loss”

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