2016 The Year of Freedom From Psoriasis

Well, 2016 has arrived and it looks like it’s going to be a good year!

Spent New Year’s Eve Skyping Charlie and drinking way too much whiskey. This made for an interesting dog walk later as I careened sloppily down the sidewalk with Lucky. She didn’t appear to notice my inability to walk in a straight line.

The good news was bringing in the New Year with New York (live on the Internet) which is three hours earlier than Vancouver. So I drunkenly flopped into bed early and slept like a log.

In spite of consuming some illegal substances (dairy) over the holiday season, I seem to have been spared any repercussions. No new spots. Hurrah! Which makes me think that maybe once the body is clean of dairy, we get to have the occasional gob of whipped cream on top of the Irish coffee:)  Time will tell.

2015 was interesting (you should be getting an e-mail recapping our year) with the normal ups and downs and a few sideways. I did get to spend my second Christmas without psoriasis plaguing me, so that’s a bonus. But it’s been too darn cold here to wear that little black dress. It was fine last year when I was in heaven about being able to wear nylon stockings. This year I came to my senses and covered up.

Anyway, just rambling here and wishing you all the very best with your healing. It does work if you do follow the protocol. It don’t if you don’t.

And since I’ve been doing this protocol now for about a year and a half, I haven’t had any negative side effects. But I have had a few positive ones. Here’s a weird one:

I used to play basketball in high school. One of the dangers is catching the ball wrong and breaking a finger. So I broke my little finger on my left hand (probably more than once) and fractured the ring finger a few times too. This created a noticeable bump on my little finger and a slightly smaller one on the ring finger. It looked like I had arthritis but there was no pain. It was a calcium buildup from the damage done.

So, the other day, I was looking at my hands and couldn’t help but notice that my ring finger looks completely normal and my little finger is about half as lumpy as it used to be. Maybe the D3 (which pulls excess calcium from where it should not be) is slowly eating away at my finger bump. Another mysterious bump on my face is disappearing. Who knows?

Author: dakota

I live in the beautiful city of Vancouver, on the West coast of Canada. I share my apartment with a little Brussels Griffon called Lucky. I like to read and watch movies and draw cartoons and write. I'm also a published author and painter. Mostly I like to putter. And fix things. And think.

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