I received three messages in the last couple of days from people asking about the protocol and saying they were taking 20,000 iu D3 daily and not seeing any results. I wrote back telling them to reread the protocol.

Then I reread the website protocol and OMG it said to take 20,000 iu daily. NO, NO, NO!!! I took 20,000 iu TWICE daily. Continue reading “OH, THE HORROR!!! BLOG #31”

Amazing & Disappointing!!! (BLOG #28)


It never ceases to amaze me how one coincidence follows another in this steep learning curve of my psoriasis research.

Remember last week I said that maybe the “Asian diet” was the best one? So, I’m walking the dog on 4th avenue in Vancouver and I see this second hand book store which I’ve never visited before. I go in.

I literally walked five feet and reached out for Continue reading “Amazing & Disappointing!!! (BLOG #28)”

The BEST Diet you’ve never heard about! (BLOG #27)

THE BEST DIET…you’ve never heard about!

Keto? Paleo? Atkins? Low Carb? No Carb? No Gluten? There are enough diets out there to give your head the spins. So which one is the best for psoriasis?

And heart health?
And lower rates of osteoporosis?
And longevity?

Well….none of the above. And it makes Continue reading “The BEST Diet you’ve never heard about! (BLOG #27)”

My Secret Experiment! (BLOG #26)


Over the past 5 months or so I’ve been privately working with a Canadian man in Saskatchewan with a nasty case of plaque psoriasis.

He used 40,000 iu daily of the D3. And k2mk7. And the magnesium chloride topically. And no dairy. Well, almost no dairy. He had a habit of eating a small container of yogurt several times a week which he decided not to give up. Continue reading “My Secret Experiment! (BLOG #26)”

Yes, I am the Dairy Queen! (BLOG #25)


I often get questions about dairy–what to do, what not to do. And I also get my fair (unfair?) share of resistance.

So, here’s a roadmap for those of you who aren’t sure about the “rules” of our Protocol regarding dairy and dairy substitutes. Continue reading “Yes, I am the Dairy Queen! (BLOG #25)”

Dairy, Depression and Damn the Rain! (BLOG #24)

Well, it appears that our summer is officially over–sigh. Rain. Rain. Drizzle. And more rain. Usually September is a gentle reminder that winter is on its way. But not this September. I counted (on my fingers) the number of months before Spring 2020 and had to drink some whiskey. ????

But fortunately, Continue reading “Dairy, Depression and Damn the Rain! (BLOG #24)”

WOW! This is inspiring! (BLOG #23 PODCAST)

Hi Everyone: This has been a bit of a steep learning curve BUT here is my first Podcast. You know how I keep harping about patience? Well, this inspiring audio is about Lisa’s 3 month battle (and it has been a battle) with a brutal psoriasis flare. Continue reading “WOW! This is inspiring! (BLOG #23 PODCAST)”

Big Improvement–Read this!(BLOG #22)

Well, some good news–finally! My inner thigh “rash” has gone through a noticeable change. I kept wondering why my entire body was almost free from psoriasis except these few small areas. And they were stubbornly hanging on. And they felt hot (not itchy). And the spots were raised and red. Continue reading “Big Improvement–Read this!(BLOG #22)”

The Koebner Phenomenon (BLOG #21)

You know when you scrape your elbow and a few days or weeks later you have a flare of psoriasis where you damaged the skin? This is called the Koebner Phenomenon. It’s where psoriasis plaques appear at the site of cuts, abrasions, new tattoos, etc.

What I didn’t know about this was… Continue reading “The Koebner Phenomenon (BLOG #21)”

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