WARNING: Just a quick note to inform you that a person is using (without permission) our registered domain name (FreedomFromPsoriasis) on Reddit. The Reddit posts are not written by me, nor am I affiliated in any way with that person or the Reddit site.

That being said, I have been finding a lot of new information about vitamin D (D3). Dr. John Campbell, a British nurse PhD, who I’ve been following for most of the pandemic, posted a YouTube about high dose D3 about a week ago. He’s easy to find and has a lot of good information. Continue reading “THE MIRACLE OF VITAMIN D”


I received three messages in the last couple of days from people asking about the protocol and saying they were taking 20,000 iu D3 daily and not seeing any results. I wrote back telling them to reread the protocol.

Then I reread the website protocol and OMG it said to take 20,000 iu daily. NO, NO, NO!!! I took 20,000 iu TWICE daily. Continue reading “OH, THE HORROR!!! BLOG #31”

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