I want you to read this. I know it’s going to be too long. But I need to tell this story. It’s about my journey with this disease called psoriasis. Continue reading “My Journey with Psoriasis (BLOG #8)”
Forgiveness Heals the Body (BLOG #7)
I don’t know about you, but I love to read or hear stories about so-called miraculous healing. Most of these healings are dismissed by doctors as spontaneous remissions or wrong diagnoses. But it’s pretty hard to argue with stage 4 cancer that vanishes overnight. Continue reading “Forgiveness Heals the Body (BLOG #7)”
Yikes! Life Follows the Blog (BLOG #6)
Talk about the week of a thousand cuts! I have been in truck hell. A couple of weeks ago I bought a new battery (at great expense). But the truck was still slow to start. My neighbour (who knows a lot about trucks) said it was the alternator. So I ordered one.
Wrong. It wasn’t the alternator, Continue reading “Yikes! Life Follows the Blog (BLOG #6)”
Stress & Psoriasis–Meditation (BLOG #5)
It’s almost impossible to live in this world and not suffer from some degree of stress. But if you add psoriasis to the mix, stress can get out of control.
My experience in the past was to always have a low level of stress running around inside my head–mostly based on the fear that my skin was going to get worse (which it regularly did). And when it got worse my stress shot through the roof. Continue reading “Stress & Psoriasis–Meditation (BLOG #5)”
An Exciting Week! (BLOG #4)
My apologies for being a bit late with the Blog this week but I was locked out of Microsoft Word (where my book resides) so I couldn’t record the audio. This happened because I finally took the plunge and got a new (for me) I-Mac computer. It’s actually previously owned but sweet it is. And boy is it F-A-S-T!!!! Yikes.
I’ve been noticing how many people, with psoriasis, Continue reading “An Exciting Week! (BLOG #4)”
I Beat Fear! (BLOG #3)
The good news about procrastinating about learning to add audio to this blog is that I accomplished all manner of other things:
-added new door knobs to kitchen cupboards/organized computer area/cut hair/manicure/pedicure/repainted cupboard doors/made a card for friend/etc. etc. etc. the list goes on and on.
When I finally sat down, determined to do it– Continue reading “I Beat Fear! (BLOG #3)”
Fear and Magic Blue Tea (BLOG #2)
Here’e the thing about fear…it can use up a lot of time. Waste it. That’s what has been happening this week.
Let me start again. I’ve been watching my fear this week. No, it’s not about the coming year, getting older, financial insecurity, political confusion, et cetera–the usual suspects. It’s about needing to learn something new in an area that leaves me mystified at best.
It’s a New Year to Rise and Shine! (BLOG #1)
I feel optimistic about 2019. Not sure why. Maybe part of the reason is that 2018 ended with one of the best parties ever. A combination of dress up, magic, hilarity, honesty, heart, dancing and basic insanity. Already that was weird because I’ve done my best over the years to avoid New Year celebrations.
And then Continue reading “It’s a New Year to Rise and Shine! (BLOG #1)”
“I continue to feel blessed. If I can do this, anyone else can do it.”

J’s ‘Becoming Psoriasis Free’ Diary Notes
October 2018: I feel real angry that I took a drug that caused this psoriasis flare. And it was a doctor that prescribed it.
I feel helpless. I’m depressed and suffer from anxiety. But I also have a wonderful husband, Tim, who supports me. And a team of co-workers educated in human services who understand what I’m going through. They look at my arms and legs and can see the changes from week to week.
They cheer me on and continue to support me. I couldn’t do this without them or Tim.
During this journey I cried and asked Tim to shoot me. His response was Continue reading “J’s AMAZING DIARY OF HEALING”
September 2018 Gratitude Letter
September 2018 FFP letter
Goodness, it has been a long time since I put fingers to keyboard to write to you all. But in my own defense I have been completing my latest book “Rise & Shine” in which the main character, Truman, has psoriasis.
It has been a very interesting process. Sometimes magical. Sometimes frustrating. Sometimes just plain hard work. But I’m happy Continue reading “September 2018 Gratitude Letter”
Clear Again–It’s the Demon Calcium:)
I wasn’t sure if I’d get the chance to bare my arms and legs this summer but by returning to the original dosage of the protocol…
- 40,000 iu soft gel D3
- 4-600 mcg Life Extension Super K
- no dairy (OR dairy substitutes “fortified” with calcium)
- magnesium chloride used topically
…my skin cleared in about 6 weeks and Continue reading “Clear Again–It’s the Demon Calcium:)”
If you didn’t read the July member letter, here is a second chance to learn something NEW (to Charlie and me) that will affect the efficacy of the protocol.
First, I apologize for taking so long to write this letter but trust me, it’s worth it!
Remember, in the last letter, I thought that my birthday celebration (which included a bit of dairy and a lot of alcohol) had caused a flare of psoriasis on my legs and arms.
It took 2 agonizing months before I had a hunch Continue reading “BIG, NEW AND IMPORTANT INFORMATION re: CALCIUM”