Clear Again–It’s the Demon Calcium:)


I wasn’t sure if I’d get the chance to bare my arms and legs this summer but by returning to the original dosage of the protocol…

  • 40,000 iu soft gel D3
  • 4-600 mcg Life Extension Super K
  • no dairy (OR dairy substitutes “fortified” with calcium)
  • magnesium chloride used topically

…my skin cleared in about 6 weeks and I got to wear shorts and sleeveless tops in the dying days of summer. Ahhhh! Now, I did have those light blotches where the psoriasis had previously been but I could live with that.

So it seems that high calcium content foods and beverages can be just as problematic as dairy itself. It took a few months to come to that realization. Sometimes bad things turn out to be good in the long run. If I hadn’t switched to a new almond milk (with 46% calcium) and had the flare up of psoriasis, I would never have thought about:

1. rereading that Brazil Hospital study of psoriasis where they took high dosage of D3 for 6 months, eliminated dairy (and fortified non-dairy beverages)

2. checking calcium content in everything that passed my lips.

A fine example of every cloud having a silver lining:) Sigh!

I’ve also been trying to understand how the magnesium chloride really works.

And it seems that it does somewhat the same thing as the D3/K2 combination. The D3/K2 works from the inside (because we swallow it) and the magnesium chloride works from the outside (because we put it on our skin). “Magnesium deficiency can cause various abnormalities of calcium metabolism” (which is why the excess calcium ends up on our skin in the form of psoriasis plaques)!

And the more I read about magnesium chloride used topically, the more I realize how important it is for all of us—even people who don’t have psoriasis. We are all low on magnesium because of our farming methods that have taken it out of the soil. Hence the need for supplementation.

Anyway it’s all a merry little dance that keeps me awake at night trying to figure out why this works and how this works. But I guess the most important part is that IT DOES WORK.

And so as summer is coming to an end, we hope that your skin is getting better.

We got a couple of nice testimonials. And a big thank you to Sue who kindly and generously sent us a donation. As you know, we don’t sell anything, so any gifts (large or small) help us to keep going.

With much love,

Dakota and her little dog, Lucky

“Let’s all be–psoriasis free :)”

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NOTE: we offer no health advice ever. We only share our personal experiences and those of others who have shared theirs with us. This is a private message for members of FFP but feel free to invite others to our website…

Author: dakota

I live in the beautiful city of Vancouver, on the West coast of Canada. I share my apartment with a little Brussels Griffon called Lucky. I like to read and watch movies and draw cartoons and write. I'm also a published author and painter. Mostly I like to putter. And fix things. And think.

3 thoughts on “Clear Again–It’s the Demon Calcium:)”

  1. Dakota,
    Thank you for your help and insightful information regarding your findings with calcium. I recently started your protocol in combination with slippery elm bark tea, l-glutamine, and saffron tea to aid in healing my gut. I’ve also gone on a restrictive diet removing gluten, and nightshade vegetables, along with dairy.

    I’m hoping you can help- I’m searching for a milk substitute and I’m finding that the sugar free coconut and almond milk have more calcium per serving than a serving of milk. Do you have a recommendation on an almond milk brand that has a low level of calcium? I’ve also noticed whole almonds have quite a bit of calcium per serving, as well (at least the brand in my local store).

    Do you recommend staying away from all foods that are high in calcium?

    Thank you in advance for your help!

    1. Hi Sean: I did find an almond milk that was low in calcium (brand name Pacific). I don’t use it all the time but I try to keep my almond milk below 30% calcium. And most coconut milk is low to no calcium. I only was careful about staying away from high calcium food when I had that flare last March. Anyway, once I realized that it wasn’t only dairy but foods/beverages “fortified” with calcium, I stopped the high calcium almond milk and upped my D3 to 35,000 iu for a couple of months. That took care of the problem. Hope this helps. Dakota

  2. Hello dear Dakota. You’re and exceptional person as what you’re doing here is great. I read your comments and it seems to me that you are wondering just like me, to find the answer to what is the mechanism behind all this Ps. Looking at years of posts from so many people who improved with D3 (back in 2007-2008 period was Berniesformula), diet, fasting, …. it seemed to me digestive tract was playing main role for Ps. I thought either one of the three areas were the main reasons for Ps, intestins, liver and kidneys. In the recent years I narrowed it down to Kidneys specifically because I realized Calcium was involved. Blood Calcium regulation, vit D3 active form production (before final form in liver), several hormones responsible for a multitude of tasks and more are all part of the work of kidneys. So please think KIDNEYS when you look for answers and perhaps you can figure this out. Calcium regulation is the magic answer. Thanks again for this web site.

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