Home FreedomFromPsoriasis.com

“My skin has been virtually clear since September 2014. It feels like a miracle after 45+ years of suffering from psoriasis. This protocol works!” – Dakota

It’s now been 10 years psoriasis free for Dakota and 9 years for this website sharing their, natural, affordable, easy to follow, free protocol that has helped eliminate psoriasis for literally THOUSANDS of people around the world.

This video below was 9 years ago and the first conversation about Dakota’s achieving freedom from her psoriasis that led to this website being created and her simple 4 step protocol being made available to thousands of psoriasis sufferers.Review this website to understand Dakota’s and Charlie’s success story of eliminating their extensive psoriaisis so you (or your loved one) can achieve freedom from their psoriasis too!

Thousands of people have downloaded the free protocol over the past 9 years (2024) and we have hundreds of wonderful tesimonials and success stories from people, who followed the free protocol, and got results for themselves. Many are here on this page, also check out our Testimonials Page.

You can be the next success story and we would love to hear about it. To hear the great story of how Dakota with Charlie and Bethany “discovered” the simple 4 step protocol that anyone can use CLICK HERE. The protocol steps are easy to follow, are affordable and work fast.

Dakota suffered with psoriasis over much of her body for over 45 years. After using all kinds of traditional medicine lotions, potions, light therapy and more she stumbled across some simple things to do to end her psoriasis when she met Charlie who brought another piece of the puzzle, developing a simple, 4 step protocol that cleared them both (and many others) of psoriasis. As of February 2024 she has been free of psoriasis for over 10 years! This website offers free information on how to become free from psoriasis – results often in weeks – nothing for sale, just free info from ex-psoriasis sufferers who want to share their personal successes in achiving freedom from psoriasis.10 years free of psoriasis with natural ingredient protocol“My skin has been virtually clear since September 2014. It feels like a miracle after 45 years of suffering from psoriasis. This protocol works!” – Dakota

“It works! I read Dakota’s story and started the protocol. I also had been off dairy before I started. I was 85-90% covered and cleared in 4-6 weeks. I read labels. There aren’t many pre-packaged foods without calcium.”

“I have talked to three doctors that are telling me to continue doing what I’m doing. To all that try this, go by the exact protocol and you will see results.” Thank you Dakota & Lucky – Jamie, Feb/19


“Dakota, I found your website in October, about 2 months after my first flare (severe) of Inverse Psoriasis. I was miserable. My dermatologist offered only toxic Rx. In 6 weeks I was clear after eliminating dairy, taking 20-30,000 D3 and K2mk7, and using Mo Maggie lotion.  Thank you so much for sharing your story and improving the lives of others.” –  Jennifer, Feb/2019


“I went from almost all body covered, to almost cleared as of now with this combo of D3/K2/mag with 8 months….I do blood work every 3 months. My liver, kidney test results have never been better. Thousand times thank you, Dakota.”  –   Chu,   Feb/2019

“I have continued to improve to the point that I rarely think about psoriasis. When I do see a problem I know how to fix it.” – Frank, Dec/2015

Users are seeing relief and elimination of their psoriasis when they follow the recommended, safe, affordable, easy protocol...

  • We give the process/protocol to you
  • Tell us where to send the protocol eBook
  • Lots more info, background, testimonials, photos and great stories after you click the link and leave your email…


Low, Low Ingredients Cost

Plenty of Successes

Don’t Just Take Our Word For It

NOTICE: We are NOT doctors, just two regular people grateful to have stumbled upon how to eliminate our decades long psoriasis and want to GIVE YOU (free) the same opportunity.

We can’t promise specific results BUT many of the people who have followed the specific protocol we give you have had some amazing psoriasis clearing, including 100% gone! Try the protocol, you’ve got nothing to lose except your psoriasis. PLEASE share YOUR results with us too. All it takes is some changes to your diet, affordable supplements from your local store and your commitment to the protocol we provide you, for free.


“Well the good news for me is; I tried it immediately with great results.”

“I have continued to improve to the point that I rarely think about psoriasis. When I do see a problem I know how to fix it”

“People are still arguing about whether you should try this treatment on the Inspire Psoriasis Forum, what a waste of time. Give it a try, follow the directions exactly and the chances of seeing improvement if not total clearing like myself and so many others are great”- Frank – Dec. 2015

“I love this site!  You two are doing an excellent job of spreading hope to victims of psoriasis. I am starting to clear up after maybe a week of going back on this protocol. I’ve also added zinc supplements after doing some research on d3/k2/mag. Zinc seems to help with those supplements.” – Bethany

“Thank You so much for the information. I have had psoriasis for eight years now.  Tried just about everything possible and nothing works. Had my fill of doctors, creams and medication that makes you depressed. I use zinc and soak in dead sea salt. I cover my feet and hands every night to sleep. Thank you again” –  Susie

“I have had plaque psoriasis since about age 16. Over the course of 45 years, I never had a remission. There were improving trends from time to time, but never clearing.  And the general trend was toward continual exacerbation, with psoriasis taking over more and more of my scalp, elbows and forearms. The itching was so intense that I often was awake half the night scratching. And of course flakes were everywhere — on my pillow, in the seams of my car upholstery, on the back of every chair I sat in. It was embarrassing as well as tormenting.

“….3 things in my treatment  changed at the end of February, 2015 [started following your protocol]

“Soon improvement was unmistakable.  My pictures speak for themselves. Right now I am about 99% clear and not done yet! I continue to take my D3 (but at a lower dose during sunny summer months), K2 and topical MgCl.  And I will not let any dairy touch my lips!   Ok. So that’s my commentary, Dakota. Hope it’s what you were looking for. Once I am 100% clear and stay that way for a few months, I would be happy to report back in.”  – L.S.Christy

“Bless you Dakota and Charlie.  

“Treating and dealing with psoriasis is a huge pain in the butt..   For you to go through all you’ve gone through and still decide to go to all the work involved to make this amazing information available to others is nothing short of a Godsend.

“This had to be a ton of work for both of you that you were not obligated to do.   You are heros in the psoriasis community.  Thank you is not enough.  Bless your hearts and I hope you win the lottery!!”  – Cathy

“I am a RN and I work in a phototherapy clinic.  One of my patients, Dakota, had been coming in for treatment with a bad flare of psoriasis (so bad that I asked the resident dermatologist to take a look at her skin).  Phototherapy was not working for her this time and she was very distraught and was asking about alternative treatments.  One time she came in for a phototherapy treatment and said she had found a new remedy using vitamins.  I never saw her again until approximately 8 weeks later when she showed me her clear skin and told me that she had cleared using the vitamins D3 and K2.

“Personally, I am somewhat biased towards western medical beliefs about psoriasis; however, many of my patients use alternative treatments with much success.  Psoriasis is a very complex disease and sometimes there are treatments that work that defy explanation.  I am of the opinion that if a treatment works and does not cause any harm, it is a worthwhile treatment.” –  K. Pachal 

Read or Submit your testimonial and success story here…

Copyright © 2015-2024. FreedomFromPsoriasis.com (FFP). All Right Reserved. FFP

We are NOT Doctors, we are just two grateful folks who stumbled upon how to eliminate our long term psoriasis and want to GIVE TO YOU the same opportunity. We can’t promise specific results BUT many of the people who have followed the protocol have had some wonderful psoriasis clearing, including eliminating psoriasis completely. Try the protocol, and please share YOUR results with us too. Become one of the many who have benefited.

Try the protocol, we GIVE you the info you need… for free. We sell nothing.

Link to Protocol

All we ask is, share YOUR results with us (and others) too… Testimonials.

P.S. P.S. A huge thank you to Michael (whom I call M.) for creating and maintaining this wonderful website. As I am completely non-techie, it would never have existed for the thousands of people all over the world who visit ‘FreedomFromPsoriasis’ . Michael’s generous donation (of his time and care to helping those with psoriasis) is appreciated more than he will ever know. Blessings, Dakota

Did we mention… we are selling NOTHING?   No Catch.   No Tricks.   No Advertising.

Just REAL, GENUINE, information that worked for us and others.

You can pay it forward by sharing your success with other psoriasis sufferers.

Love Dak and Charlie

P.S. we sometimes have people questioning why we are giving this info away and there “must be something up”! Uh, no. We were psoriasis sufferers and we want to share our success and help others. It really is simple, but for some scary. Download our protocol read the testimonials and give yourself the chance of achieving your own freedom from psoriasis and eliminate the need for expensive medical creams and treatments.


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