The Joys of Swimming–Minus the Stares!!!

If someone had told me a year ago that I’d be swimming in a public pool, in a bathing suit, I’d have told them they were nuts….BUT…it’s happening. Every Monday and Wednesday from 1:15 onward, it’s only $2.20 to use the Olympic complex next to the Nat Bailey Stadium.

The first time I walked in I was sure people were going to stare at my legs–legs that never saw the light of day for decades. It felt weird. And I felt awkward.

But Continue reading “The Joys of Swimming–Minus the Stares!!!”

The Wonder of Magnesium Chloride OR Dang!!! Charlie’s right again!!!

So, I’ve been arguing with Charlie for months about moisturizing. And because he’s a guy guy, he avoids it like the plague. I figure he’s just stubborn but he says he’s just logical.

Anyway, after cheating a bit Continue reading “The Wonder of Magnesium Chloride OR Dang!!! Charlie’s right again!!!”

CANADIAN THANKSGIVING…feeling grateful:)

Ah, it’s turkey time in the more northern part of North America. As I was telling Charlie, we here in Canada have the good sense to keep Thanksgiving far enough away from Christmas    so that we really enjoy both turkey dinners!

But even more important, this weekend gives me time to Continue reading “CANADIAN THANKSGIVING…feeling grateful:)”

Psoriasis-free…..Part 3

Nope! things just got worse. The next letter threatened not only would we be hit with legal action BUT they would remove everything that I had ever written on the Team Inspire site. Now, for me personally, that wouldn’t have been the end of the world. After all, my skin was already clear.

But all the people who had been helped and all those who would come afterwards would not be able to see the protocol or Continue reading “Psoriasis-free…..Part 3”


If someone had told me just over a year ago that I wouldn’t have psoriasis or that I’d be swimming in a public pool  or that I’d be part of a team running a website about psoriasis, I’d have told them that they were just plain crazy.

But here it is–my first anniversary psoriasis-free. It has been a steep learning curve to be sure. With many positive experiences. I got Continue reading “1 YEAR WITHOUT PSORIASIS”

Psoriasis-free…..Part 2

Nope, not everyone was happy. As a matter of fact there appeared to be some pretty angry people on the site who didn’t like what we were doing and certainly didn’t like the good results we were getting.. They posted scare tactics (particularly about the high dosage D3)–about the negative side effects. And they were relentless.

Our thread was constantly under attack–warning letters, threats of suspension, posts deleted. When Charlie was given a two week Continue reading “Psoriasis-free…..Part 2”

Coming Up For My First Year Psoriasis-Free!!!

Wow! Talk about a year!!! Not sure I’d like to repeat all of it–ha! A steep learning curve in some areas. But I have to remind myself that throughout it all–the stress, the changes, the challenges–my skin held. I can’t remember another year in the past 47 when I wasn’t battling psoriasis on some level.

And so much happened. There I was just over a year ago–90% of my body covered with a combination of plaque and Guttate psoriasis. Continue reading “Coming Up For My First Year Psoriasis-Free!!!”

Glycerin….another little bit of magic for the skin

My bathroom is where I keep the arsenal of psoriasis creams, jells, medications, experiments etc. Easier to find when it’s all in one location. So, yesterday I was doing a bit of tidying up and I found my container of glycerin. How could I have forgotten?….well, life has been a little hectic to say the least…..

Glycerin is fantastic stuff for those of us who suffer from this skin condition. Unfortunately I can’t give you a link to the NPF Inspire site as I have been permanently banned for being a bad girl (which would include spreading the word about a natural remedy which doesn’t cost an arm and a leg and that has no side effects–that would be k2, D3, Magnesium Chloride, No dairy).

Anyway, there was a guy who Continue reading “Glycerin….another little bit of magic for the skin”

Anger & Psoriasis…a love story?

I felt like moving away from the protocol–in the sense of looking at how an emotion might affect this disease called psoriasis. And I remembered three different parts of books that have the possibility of hooking together.

One was from a book of Chinese medicine or healing that spoke of the liver as  being the seat of anger. Another was one of those you-can-cure-your-psoriasis books that we all fall for at least once–but that did have two good suggestions. Continue reading “Anger & Psoriasis…a love story?”

There’s something about Dairy:)

Well, so much for my little experiment with goat milk yogurt. I only had to eat it once before a couple of little spots showed up on the inside calf of my left leg. Now, most people wouldn’t have even noticed them–or maybe thought they were mosquito bites–but I knew better:(

So I thought it would be a good opportunity to experiment on topical medications. I tried tar, cortisone–the old standbys– and those little spots didn’t budge. Now, they didn’t get worse but they stubbornly sat there, staring at me.

The next step was to increase my D3 and k2. I had been on a maintenance dosage for Continue reading “There’s something about Dairy:)”

Stress and Psoriasis

So, Charlie, I just read your lightning horror story. And your take on stress and psoriasis. My friend, Julie, explains it by astrology. It all makes sense when she’s talking about it but then I totally forget it.

Stress is weird. I kind of wonder if you get to release it somehow…now this is another story from Julie. It seems some animals, when they escape from the jaws of their predator, they shake their body fiercely–releasing the tension. Then they just walk away.

But we got a brain, which can mess things up. We don’t Continue reading “Stress and Psoriasis”

No Psoriasis…but I forgot to have fun!!!

Ok, this has been one stressful year. Starting back last summer when I was covered with psoriasis. Then having a remission that was so fast that it put my body and mind into shock. Then learning how to host a thread on the NPF. Then dodging and diving the trolls. I actually found myself reading “The Art of War”in an attempt to keep my head together. Then finding that we were being shot down by the very people who we thought wanted to help people get rid of their psoriasis. Shock and disbelief!!!

Then deciding “to hell with them” we’ll Continue reading “No Psoriasis…but I forgot to have fun!!!”

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