
It Came BACK… why and what I did about it…

I hope that you will take the time to read this VERY IMPORTANT LETTER. It holds information both physical and emotional (spiritual?)—about the battle I’ve been going through the past two months.

As you know, I fell off the wagon during the celebration of my 70th birthday—eating dairy, drinking too much alcohol—basically telling myself my skin was doing great—why not have a good time?—psoriasis be damned.

Well, the price was higher than I thought it was going to be.

By early April I noticed that some spots were appearing—especially on Continue reading “It Came BACK… why and what I did about it…”

Webinar #7 Replay Jan. 1/17- Dakota

This is a replay of the Live Chat Webinar, hosted by Dakota. January 2017.

We hope that hearing our stories and experiences, as well as from other members, will encourage you to commit to your own journey of being free from psoriasis, the easiest way we know how, by using the protocol we provide to you for free. Continue reading “Webinar #7 Replay Jan. 1/17- Dakota”

Webinar #6 Replay Dec.7/16- Dakota

This is a replay of sixth Live Chat Webinar, hosted by Dakota. The final one for 2016. Watch your email, or here on the Blog, for when the next webinar will be held in 2017. Have a great Christmas (watch out for that dairy!).

Members are invited to attend any live webinar and ask questions via text chat or open their microphone and join the conversation. Continue reading “Webinar #6 Replay Dec.7/16- Dakota”

Webinar #5 Replay Nov.18/16- Dakota

This is a replay of FIFTH Live Chat Webinar, hosted by Dakota. Members are invited to attend any live webinar and ask questions via text chat or open their microphone and join the conversation.

We hope that hearing our stories and experiences, as well as from other members, will encourage you to commit to your own journey of being free from psoriasis, the easiest way we know how, by using the protocol we provide to you for free. Continue reading “Webinar #5 Replay Nov.18/16- Dakota”

Webinar #4 Replay Nov.4/16- Dakota

This is a replay of the FOURTH Friday night Live Chat Webinar, hosted by Dakota. Members are invited to attend any live webinar and ask questions via text chat or open their microphone and join the conversation.

We hope that hearing our stories and experiences, Continue reading “Webinar #4 Replay Nov.4/16- Dakota”

CHARLIE BROWN——Gone Fishing!

CHARLIE BROWN——Gone Fishing!

Well, it has been said that all good things come to an end. And tonight, I heard from Charlie (aka the pain, aka headless) that he was moving on. I kind of knew this was in the works, but I never wanted to accept that he would (as he said) turn the page.

Charlie was an unlikely hero. He claimed that he didn’t care about anyone. But when he found his skin clearing (after 30 years of terrible psoriasis) he started posting on the NPF site. His down home style (gawd awful spelling and grammar) warmed the hearts of many and his thread grew rapidly. Continue reading “CHARLIE BROWN——Gone Fishing!”

Webinar #3 Replay Oct.21/16- Dak + Charlie

This is a replay of Dakota and Charlie’s THIRD Friday night Live Chat Webinar. Members are invited to attend any live webinar and ask questions via text chat or open their microphone and join the conversation.
Continue reading “Webinar #3 Replay Oct.21/16- Dak + Charlie”

Webinar #2 Replay Oct.7/16- Dak + Charlie

This is a replay of Dakota and Charlie’s SECOND Friday night Live Chat Webinar. Members are invited to attend any live webinar and ask questions via text chat or open their microphone and join the conversation.

We hope that hearing our stories and experiences, as well as from other members, will encourage you to commit to your own journey of being free from psoriasis, the Continue reading “Webinar #2 Replay Oct.7/16- Dak + Charlie”

Webinar #1 Replay Sept.23/16- Dak + Charlie

This is a replay of Dakota and Charlie’s FIRST Friday night Live Chat Webinar (newbie alert!). Members are invited to attend any live webinar and ask questions via text chat or open their microphone and join the conversation.

We hope that hearing our stories and experiences, Continue reading “Webinar #1 Replay Sept.23/16- Dak + Charlie”

Watch the Video Live Chats With Dakota and Charlie

Watch the archived live video chats.

Attendees asked questions, via chat text, or unmuted their microphone. Log in to your free member account to listen to Charlie and Dakota discuss their psoriasis journeys, stories and members who joined in with updates and whatever else.

Charlie and Dakota had Friday night skype chats with each other about psoriasis since they met online to share their knowledge and develop the protocol they offer you and everyone for free…

You can view the recorded members webinars Continue reading “Watch the Video Live Chats With Dakota and Charlie”

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