Well, as you may already know, we are lucky to have guinea pigs to experiment on. That would be OURSELVES:) So, I read something about there being two kinds of milk. Most of North America use one kind and Australia (and some Asian countries) use the other. Supposedly, the kind used in Australia is less disruptive to the immune system.

The only milk in North America that falls into the ok category happens to come from either sheep or goats. So, I have decided to do a little experiment on my favorite guinea pig–ME, and eat a little goat milk yogurt over the next week or so. I’ll be keeping a close watch on my skin to see if any little red spots pop up on my ankles or elbows (historically my worst areas for psoriasis).

I’ll let you know how it goes. I sure would love to think that yogurt could still be a part of my diet and life. Sigh. Wish me luck!


Author: dakota

I live in the beautiful city of Vancouver, on the West coast of Canada. I share my apartment with a little Brussels Griffon called Lucky. I like to read and watch movies and draw cartoons and write. I'm also a published author and painter. Mostly I like to putter. And fix things. And think.

2 thoughts on “TAKING A RISK WITH DAIRY”

    1. Not sure! I thought I’d be eating it every day but found that I haven’t been. But, that being said, there are a couple of small spots on my one leg. I’ll keep you posted. I really want to be able to enjoy yogurt again. Boo hoo:(

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