September 2018 FFP letter
Goodness, it has been a long time since I put fingers to keyboard to write to you all. But in my own defense I have been completing my latest book “Rise & Shine” in which the main character, Truman, has psoriasis.
It has been a very interesting process. Sometimes magical. Sometimes frustrating. Sometimes just plain hard work. But I’m happy with the results. My readers (3 women) gave me helpful feedback which only improved the book. And who were kind and generous with their suggestions.
And this month marks my fourth year psoriasis free (except for that little glitch when I realized that it wasn’t only dairy but also foods/beverages “fortified” with calcium that caused flare-ups. And, of course, I do get the odd little spot because I experiment with small amounts of dairy, so I increase my D3 dosage. It’s risky but I want to see just how much I can control this disease. So far, so good.
Just in case I haven’t given you this information—you might want to Google Dr. Cicero Coimbra. He’s the doctor in Brazil who did the hospital study with patients who had either psoriasis or vitiligo. There’s a site that is mainly about MS but it has all kinds of good information such as the list of doctors worldwide who have trained with Dr. Coimbra.
He uses very high dosage D3 with his patients and has done so for over 20 years. Not just with psoriasis but with all manner of autoimmune diseases and, based on the testimonials, has had quite amazing results. Anyway, you might want to check him out.
Also, we do have a Facebook page by the same name…Freedom From Psoriasis. I’m a little better about posting there but I do get waylaid and forget how much time has flown by since the last post—part of the joys of getting old, I think.
Apparently today is Gratitude Day and I must admit to having much to be grateful for, not the least of which is the joy of having clear skin. And this past summer was particularly spectacular. And Lucky is healthy and as weird and funny as ever. And the book is finally finished. And I rarely suffer from depression any more. And I’m alive which, according to a TedX speaker, the odds of being born are 1 in 400,000,000,000 which is one in four trillion!!! So, hurrah! Thank you Mom and Dad, wherever you may now be.
And so I send my best wishes to all of you in the hope that our protocol has helped in some way to make your life better. Don’t forget that we love to hear from you in the form of testimonials and to see photos of your good results.
Much love,
Dakota and Lucky
Sir one more question i want to knew, that can i take supplement of L-glutamine?
now 40 days completed . slowly the patches are lessoning. some small white spots come .my d3 level is 83ng. I will continue the d3 20k per day and 300mcg mk7 per day . what is the maximum level of d3 level a 18 years girl can tolerate. But not yet completely cleared. I am not using mgchloride flakes externally, since it is not available in india. Iam getting the salts after 5 days and i will use it. I have some questions to clarify:
1. I used to take saffron water every day in the night shall i continue or not?
2. I am taking milk thistle 500mg every day, before the protocal. shall i continue or not?
3. I used to take ginger + turmeric+ honey every day shall i continue?
As I am not a doctor, nor medical research person, I can not make recommendations on dosage, re: “what is the maximum level of D3 an 18 year old girl can tolerate?”. I can only tell you what I did (which is on the PDF). If it seems to be working for you and you are not experiencing any problems, then you are in the same position as myself. I believe that taking milk thistle is a good idea as it is beneficial for the liver. And I do suggest drinking plenty of water.
Just to be clear, are you getting the magnesium chloride flakes in 5 days? If so, it is easy to make (and is also in the PDF–you need to take the time to read all the material). 50% magnesium flakes to 50% water, heat to almost boiling, stir, then cool and put in a spray bottle. I only make a small spray bottle each time.
1. I have no idea about saffron water
2. milk thistle is good
3. all three, ginger, turmeric and honey are good for the body (particularly turmeric if you have inflammation–which you do, because redness means inflammation).
Hope this helps,
Sir, the suffron water is for flushing toxins from the body. I got the mg chloride flakes and using the solution at present. red patches not yet gone completely. Since I have reached the 100mcg level I am taking 10000 iu daily D3 and 200 mcg K27 .
Fearing that highest dosage may affect the body. Only I want to knew the maximum tolerated level of D3 in the body as per our honorable Brazil doctor Dr. Cambrio.
One more thing i want the clarification can i increase the D3 level if my D3 comes below 80?
Please advise
Thank you very much sir for the previos reply.
My skin is clearing! You are amazing! I am shocked at the number of people that I send you link to, that will not even listen to your video. Your protocol has changed my life!