WOW! This is inspiring! (BLOG #23 PODCAST)

Hi Everyone: This has been a bit of a steep learning curve BUT here is my first Podcast. You know how I keep harping about patience? Well, this inspiring audio is about Lisa’s 3 month battle (and it has been a battle) with a brutal psoriasis flare.


3 months agoJuly 28, 2019

Much love,

Dakota, Lucky and Charlie

Author: dakota

I live in the beautiful city of Vancouver, on the West coast of Canada. I share my apartment with a little Brussels Griffon called Lucky. I like to read and watch movies and draw cartoons and write. I'm also a published author and painter. Mostly I like to putter. And fix things. And think.

5 thoughts on “WOW! This is inspiring! (BLOG #23 PODCAST)”

  1. Hello Dakota:

    Im so happy for Lisa! We are very lucky that there are people like you and Charlie who are compelled to offer more natural solutions. The general public does not understand how exhausting psoriasis can be as it affects every aspect of your physical and mental well being.

    I just have a couple of questions for you. Are vitimins D drops ( XMYogen 1 drop=1000ml) the same as the softgel capsules when taken with coconut oil? The MK7 (natto)(Bioclinic naturals) I have now are capsules in powder form but I also take them along with 1/2 tspn of coconut oil and vitamin D drops – do you think the powder form is okay?. Also, after listening to your podcast (which I really enjoyed!) can you please explain in a little more detail the calcium on labels and foods. For example. I’ve been trying coconut yogurt that has some calcium % on the label but there is no dairy listed in the ingredients. I guess I’m asking if the labels do not include any dairy but there is still a % value given for calcium content can we still use it? Perhaps you could do an information session on this because I seem to really struggle with this.

    Thanks for everything you do with this website to help people with psoriasis. Hope your having a great day!! XXX

    1. Hi Susan: The problem with labels is that they are different from one country to another. For example, one of our members was using heavy cream in her coffee because it said on the label 0% calcium. I checked heavy cream here, in Vancouver (Canada) and there WAS calcium–not a lot, but it sure wasn’t 0%. So I Googled “how can heavy cream have no calcium” and learned that in the U.S.the FDA has some kind of weird loophole that says that if the calcium is low, somehow, they can put 0% on the label. Which is crazy. And misleading.

      Now, I haven’t done the research on this but there are a lot of different kinds of calcium (who knew?). So, it’s possible that some types of calcium are worse than others for people who suffer from psoriasis. My guess is that dairy is the worst and I beg, plead, harass people to give it a pass. But there’s calcium in vegetables, too. I mean, we need SOME calcium or we have problems with our bones. But dairy is a no-no.

      I always check (especially almond milk) the percentage of calcium. I found one brand here (Pacific) that is calcium free but I usually buy a brand that has 30%. My body tolerates it. But I had a flare a couple of years ago because I had changed to Trader Joe’s brand which turned out to have 46% and that was the tipping point which lead to a flare. I stopped that brand and went really low calcium for a month or so, plus upped my D3 to 40,000 iu and upped the k2mk7 and used the magnesium chloride topically and I was clear in 6 weeks.

      I did use, for a short time early on, a k2mk7 that was a capsule and I didn’t find it as effective. I don’t like to promote one brand over another but the Life Extension Super K seems to be the best so far. I haven’t found another that was as good. But k2 is becoming more available now so who knows–there may be an even better one coming down the road. I always make sure that my k2mk7 is a softgel and I encourage members to use that type of supplement. Drops are fine if it’s a good/reputable company but it’s an expensive way to go when you’re taking 40,000 iu daily. Natto (the Japanese fermented soy bean) is the best source of k2mk7 and most supplements are made from this fermented soy bean.

      Basically, I just try to keep my calcium intake low. I always look at the label percentage of calcium and then look up to the top of that label and that percentage is for a specific amount of the food or beverage. For example, it might read 30% calcium and that’s for one serving of one cup. Or 10% per tablespoon. So it’s not just the percentage. The size of the serving that gives that percentage is equally important. So my almond milk reads 30% but that’s for one cup only. If I drink more than one cup I’m getting more than 30% calcium. Plus I don’t shake the container too much because most of the calcium settles to the bottom. I do shake it a bit otherwise it’s too watery.

      Anyway, hope this helps.


  2. Please, please do post whether what kind of dosage of d3 she followed.

    I’ve been at it for 3 months strictly and no change. Actually, it has gotten worse.

    My vitamin level is now above 100 ng. I guess I’ll give it break

    1. Sorry, missed your question. Lisa was taking 40,000 iu. It has to be a softgel. It’s hard to answer your question without knowing how much you were taking, if you were taking the k2mk7 and if you had completely stopped dairy and any foods fortified with calcium. And if you were using the magnesium chloride topically. Dr. Coimbra, in Brazil, who has been using high dosage D3 for several decades says that people with autoimmune diseases need more D3 than “normal” people. He had psoriasis patients on 35,000 iu daily for six months. Google Dr. Coimbra Sao Paulo hospital study for psoriasis and vitiligo. It was a small study but there are photos of the results. He is very strict about drinking 2.5 liters of water a day when on high dose D3. You might want to check that out.

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