Just under two weeks into freedomfrompsoriasis, and forever thankful for the improvement protocol you shared. Haven’t yet read your spiritual background, but I am SO grateful, and praying the Lord’s kind blessings on you both. On my own “spiritual note”: I had given long-years-of-suffering completely to the Lord on Sunday and found your protocol on Monday. As in, desperately praying for alleviated suffering – but if the answer was no or not yet – still fully trusting in His great Love and care. So, His answer over the past two weeks was Yes to freedomfrompsoriasis – (remission seems like too “calm” of a term) – it does feel more like freedom.
After eight years of major scalp psoriasis/inflammation and occasional other flares: Physically, I experienced miraculous improvement within the first week, to the degree that I am not suffering from psoriasis and instead living free. Like, filled to overflowing with gratitude within days. Crossing the ten/eleven day mark, I am starting to ease back toward the maintenance protocol and will keep monitoring… the maintenance plan seems well-reasoned in the general fight against inflammation for those of us with autoimmune disorders… and now armed with the improvement protocol to fight flares!
Couple of notes:
My topical magnesium source: Life-Flo Magnesium Oil Spray.
Digestive: The improvement protocol seemed to take me through a “digestive cleanse” – which on the good side, made me more naturally drawn to plenty of water and the good foods to focus on (and very motivated to avoid the ones to avoid) – I’d say a “cleanse” is probably tied to the healing – and worth a bit of digestive side effects. And motivates the move to maintaining the maintenance protocol.
Deepest thanks – my first donation is only a drop in the bucket of what I owe you. And next step is definitely starting to pay it forward – starting by sharing with a couple of family members who need this protocol. Many blessings to you and to all who find the beginning of freedom. I found mine in trusting Christ. Living psoriasis-free is a crazy blessing on top of that freedom.